王美红 副教授、博士、硕士生导师

Ph.D. 厦门大学计算机系, 2011.12





Ph.D. 厦门大学计算机系, 2011.12
M.S. 哈尔滨工程大学计算机系, 2003.3
B.S. 郑州大学计算机系, 2000.7

2016.2-2017.2 美国德克萨斯州立大学达拉斯分校,访问学者



(1) Wang, Meihong, Wu, Qingqiang, Research of Advanced GTM and Its Application to Gas-Oil, Reservoir Identification, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence ,2017,31(5): 1-18.

(2) Lin, Kunhui, Jing, Liting, Wang, Meihong*, Qiu, Ming, Ji, Ze'An, A novel long-Term air quality forecasting algorithm based on kNN and NARX, 12th International Conference on Computer Science and Education, ICCSE 2017, Beijing , P.R. China, 2017.07.06-07.09.

(3) Kunhui Lin,Jingjin Wang,Meihong Wang*. Review on Current Hotspots and Future Research Trends of Cloud Computing, 3rd International Conference on Chemical Science and Engineering, Chengdu, P.R. China, 2017.05.26-05.28.

(4) Wang, Meihong, Zheng, Yuhui; Qiu, Ming; Zheng, Yan , Research on schedule-based user recommendation model based on improved K-means algorithm[J].Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering,2016, 15(3) : 691-700.

(5) Wen, Tingxi ,Zhang, Zhongnan, Wang, Meihong, A Parallel Bee Colony Algorithm for Resource Allocation Application in Cloud Computing Environment, 2015 IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Data Intensive Systems , Sydney, Australia, 2015.12.11-2015.12.13.

(6) Shijing Zhang, Huailin Dong, Meihong Wang*,Qingfeng Wu,Review on Current Hotspots and Future Research Trends of Cloud Computing, International Conference on Computer Science and Applications,Sanya, P.R. China, 2014.11.15-11.16.

(7) Kun-Hong liu, Qing-Qiang Wu, Mei-Hong Wang.The Design of Evolutionary Multiple Classifier System for the Classification of Microarray Data. ISNN 2011(EI).

(8) Wang Meihong, Zeng Wenhua. A comparison of four popular heuristics for task scheduling problem in computational grid. The 6th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, Chengdu, P.R. China, 2010.09.23-09.25.

(9) Wang Meihong, Zeng Wenhua*, Wu Keqing. Grid task scheduling based on advanced no velocity PSO. The International Conference on Internet Technology and Applications, Wuhan, P.R. China, 2010.09.21-09.23.

(10) 陈海山,王美红等.Research on Combined Rough Sets with Fuzzy Sets.Proceedings of 2008 International Symposium on Information Processing, v1, 2008, p163-167.(EI)

(11) 王美红 “拼写检查中相关技术研究”,《计算机应用研究》.2007.

(12) 刘大昕,王美红,聂亚杰.面向对象主动数据库中ECA规则的研究.计算机应用研究.2003.7